For short distance outdoor activities, you can take part in outdoor rafting, surfing, swimming, camping, cycling and other activities with your waterproof bag on your back.
Specialty Work Bags are one core of brand TECRON® . By use of specially engineered materials, strong R&D and manufacturing capabilities, Tecron create work bags for serious working folks.
Tecron Safety will participate in 2023 Dusseldorf, Germany A+A international trade fair and congress for safety and health at work, looking forward to communicating with you, welcome to visit!
Date: 24-27 Oct, 2023
Place: Dusseldorf Exhibition Center
The 20th CHINA International Fire Protection Equipment Technology Conference & Exposition will be held at China International Exhibition Center(New hall) from October 10 to 13, 2023. CHINA FIRE” is the largest and most influential international fire protection equipment exhibition and technical exchange event hosted by China Fire Protection Association. The exhibition includes the main products of firefigh
The 104th China International Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo will be held at Shanghai New International Expo Center (Longyang Road) on April 13-15, 2023. The exhibition includes major products of work protection, production safety, occupational health, emergency rescue technology and equipment. Tecron will participate in and interact with key customers and major suppliers.
Held in Dubai, UAE, Intersec 2023 is the leading exhibition for Security, Safety & Fire Protection. Tecron Safety will participate in and interact with key customers.